

Templates can be used to make creating documents easier.

Templates can be used to make creating documents easier.

Golang HTML templating is used. In addition to the base Golang html/template functions, the sprig template functions are available for convience.

Points to watch out when creating a template:

  • The whole template needs to be wrapped in <p> and </p>.
  • Use <br> for new lines.
A template must render out to valid HTML.

Available Variables

  • .Documents - List of documents that are in the user's clipboard.
    • .Id
    • .CreatedAt
    • .Title
    • .State
    • .CreatorId
    • .Creator - See User Info Structure.
    • .Closed - Boolean.
    • .CategoryId
    • .Category- .Name
      • .Description
  • .Users - List of citizens/ users that are in the user's clipboard.
  • .Vehicles - List of vehicles that are in the user's clipboard.
  • .ActiveChar - Author/Submitting user's info.

User Info Structure

  • .UserId
  • .Identifier
  • .Job- - Preferrably use jobLabel.
  • .JobLabel*
  • .JobGrade- - Preferrably use jobGradeLabel.
  • .JobGradeLabel*
  • .Firstname
  • .Lastname
  • .Dateofbirth - In DD.MM.YYYY format.
  • .PhoneNumber - Optional, might not always be included.

(*these fields are only available on the .activeChar variable)


Access Creator Info

{{ .ActiveChar.Firstname }}, {{ .ActiveChar.Lastname }}

Get first Citizen

Get the first user in the list (first in the user's clipboard):

{{- $citizen := first .Users -}}

Example access citizen info:

{{ $citizen.Firstname }}, {{ $citizen.Lastname }} ({{ $citizen.Dateofbirth }})

Current Date and Time

{{ now | date "02.01.2006 15:04" }}

To learn more about different date and time formats, check out the Golang time package documentation here.

Showing a Timestamp (e.g., CreatedAt)

{{ .CreatedAt | date "02.01.2006 15:04" }}


<label contenteditable="false"><input type="checkbox"><span> Yes </span></label>


Displaying a list of Vehicles

{{ if not .Vehicles }}
No Vehicles involved.
{{ else }}
{{- range .Vehicles -}}
<li>{{ .Plate }} - {{ .Owner.Firstname }}, {{ .Owner.Lastname }}</li>
{{- end -}}
{{ end }}

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